Keeping your customers happy matters to us! To achieve this, it's crucial for us at Paytrail to efficiently handle your company’s payments. On this status page, you will find our payment service status, future maintenance breaks and possible incidents.
Feel free to subscribe and receive service related updates. We’re working hard to keep payments rolling smoothly!
Uptime 567 days 13 hours 12 minutes 31 seconds
* Maintenance outages are ignored
Uptime 504 days 8 hours 14 minutes 52 seconds
* Maintenance outages are ignored
Resolved | Jul 26, 2024 | 17:09 GMT+03:00
Merchant panel is now back online.
You can find additional information about the issue here:
Investigating | Jul 25, 2024 | 18:34 GMT+03:00
Merchant Panel is temporarily out of service. We are investigating the issue and will provide further information during the day on Friday, July 26th.
Resolved | Sep 21, 2023 | 13:28 GMT+03:00
Paytrail payment API was down. The incident is now over.
Sep 21, 2023, 13:28:09
Sep 21, 2023, 13:37:08
Resolved | Mar 30, 2023 | 13:55 GMT+03:00
The issue is resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and we will perform root cause analysis avoid this issue in the future.
Monitoring | Mar 30, 2023 | 12:55 GMT+03:00
Services are functioning again, we are monitoring the situation to make sure everything works.
Investigating | Mar 30, 2023 | 11:55 GMT+03:00
Service is currently having availability issues related to both payment service API and merchant panel. We are investigating the issue and try to restore availability as soon as possible.
Resolved | Sep 07, 2022 | 13:03 GMT+03:00
There were intermittent issues of http-500 responses from the Paytrail New API. These responses were seen on 7th of September between approximately 10:48 and 11:18 (UTC+3).
After corrective actions and careful monitoring, this incident is now resolved.
Monitoring | Sep 07, 2022 | 11:18 GMT+03:00
Services in the Paytrail New API are back up. We are monitoring the situation to ensure the disruptions are over.
Resolved | Jul 01, 2022 | 15:00 GMT+03:00
Issue with Merchant panel slowness should be resolved now. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Resolved | Jun 20, 2022 | 12:23 GMT+03:00
There was short outage in new payment service payments starting 12:08 and ending 12:23. The issue has been solved. We apologize for the inconvenience
Monitoring | Jun 20, 2022 | 12:08 GMT+03:00
There was short outage in new payment service payments starting 12:08 and ending 12:23. The issue has been solved. We apologize for the inconvenience
Resolved | May 14, 2022 | 20:52 GMT+03:00
There were very short service outages in old payment service and old Merchant Panel today starting at 17:27. The outages were due to network issues.
Mainly the services have been operating normally.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
Paytrail team
Monitoring | May 14, 2022 | 18:51 GMT+03:00
There have been very short service outages in old payment service and old Merchant Panel today starting at 17:27. Mainly services are operating normally.
Resolved | Mar 02, 2022 | 14:48 GMT+02:00
There was partial service outage in payments starting 14:27 and ending 14:48. Issue has been corrected.
Monitoring | Mar 02, 2022 | 14:27 GMT+02:00
There was partial service outage in new payment service starting 14:27 and ending 14:48. Issue has been corrected.
Resolved | Jun 11, 2021 | 19:16 GMT+03:00
The services have recovered and all services are functioning correctly. We apologize for the outage.
Monitoring | Jun 11, 2021 | 18:45 GMT+03:00
Systems are recovering and we are monitoring the situation.
Investigating | Jun 11, 2021 | 17:52 GMT+03:00
The services are down due to backend system issues. We are investigating the issue and trying to resolve it as soon as possible.
Resolved | Feb 22, 2021 | 11:52 GMT+02:00
The issue was corrected quickly and further issues prevented by changes preventing bug from occuring again.
Monitoring | Feb 22, 2021 | 11:37 GMT+02:00
Service outage due to bug in backend vendor software.
Resolved | Oct 22, 2020 | 13:48 GMT+03:00
All services function normally after an outage in the night. The outage took place between 03:41 - 04:07 Problem was due to fault in our network service provider's firewall. We apologize for the inconvenience the service outage caused.
Resolved | Mar 30, 2020 | 14:01 GMT+03:00
Services have now recovered to acceptable level technically for us to deem this issue resolved. We'll investigate the root cause for the issue to avoid similar issue in the future. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the service outage.
Resolved | Jan 12, 2020 | 08:00 GMT+02:00
Incident has been solved. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Monitoring | Jan 12, 2020 | 07:05 GMT+02:00
Network incident has been solved. We’re monitoring to ensure all services are operational.
Investigating | Jan 12, 2020 | 06:00 GMT+02:00
There is network outage in our datacenter environment, our service provider is investigating issue.
Open | Jan 12, 2020 | 05:15 GMT+02:00
Services are partially down. We are investigating the situation more closely. We apologize for the incident.
Resolved | Nov 12, 2019 | 15:53 GMT+02:00
All connections are now routed to functional services and all services should function normally. Problem was due to error with database load balancers. We apologize for the inconvenience the service outage caused.
Resolved | Nov 12, 2019 | 15:26 GMT+02:00
Service is working again. We are investigating the issue.
Resolved | Nov 12, 2019 | 09:05 GMT+02:00
Incident has been solved. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Open | Nov 12, 2019 | 08:49 GMT+02:00
We are having service outage due to technical issues. We are troubleshooting the issue and aim to recover services as soon as possible.
Resolved | Jul 09, 2019 | 14:26 GMT+03:00
Problems with Nets card payments has been resolved 15:45 PM.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Nets card payments are currently not working. The problem is caused by networking problems Nets is experiencing. The problem is being investigated.
The problem started at 10:45.
We will update the case as soon as we have anything new to report.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Resolved | Jun 23, 2019 | 09:15 GMT+03:00
Incident has been solved. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Resolved | Sep 06, 2018 | 13:56 GMT+03:00
Issues with have been solved.
Identified | Sep 06, 2018 | 11:38 GMT+03:00 is currently having some issues due to our service provider. These problems do not affect our payment service, which is running normally. We are trying to solve the issue with our site as soon as possible.